"Arab Brazilian Chamber".. 71 Years of Excellence

  • Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • 26 July 2023

The Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce (ABCC) celebrated its seventy-first anniversary, where it has been distinguished since its founding in strengthening ties and trade cooperation between Brazil and the Arab world in the economic, social, and cultural sectors.

Since its establishment in 1952, the Chamber has played an important role in consolidating relations between Arab countries and Brazil through trade exchange, as it has gained a prominent position thanks to its tireless efforts, unique vision, and pioneering role in building strong trade relations and facilitating economic exchange.

The President of the Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce, Osmar Shehfa, expressed his pride in the achievements of the Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce over the past seven decades, thanks to the commitment to embrace digitization and develop innovative solutions that elevate business activity and reduce expenses. We are also developing a number of initiatives, such as the Jordan Paperless Abandoning Initiative, which aims to expand to Egypt and other Arab countries. By employing the latest technological innovations, we look forward to enhancing trade and cooperation between Brazil and the Arab countries."

Source (Al-Khaleej Emirati Newspaper, Edited)

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